Thursday, July 17, 2008

Inconvenient At Best

After two nights of sleeping in the kitchen with Fay I can say that her digestive processes are most active between the hours of 2 and 6 AM.

The Buttcare system works fine during the day. Even the night before last I was able to keep her butt clean enough for healing progress. The hours between 2 and 6 this morning were fine - I'd wake up whenever I heard farting of grunting or stirring of any kind and deal with the outflow. After 6 though I failed to wake up until 8 ish and found Herself ensconced in a pile. The damage was done and today we have another healing setback.

Fay's appetite isn't helping her any. She refuses to eat her prescription diet which is supposed to prevent diarrhea. She wants to eat, just not that. I tried mixing it with tuna but no go. Then I tried pan-fried chicken liver. That worked somewhat though she did leave several chunks of food behind. She's maybe had half a cup of food today. That is really abnormal for her.

She also needs to eat to protect her stomach from her other medications.

I don't like the looks of this.

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